
About Me

Writing reflections has lightened my load many times. Reading what others have written on their elder care journeys has buoyed my spirits. I hope my Reflections on Elder Care: Loving Mom and Dad in Their Old Age blog will be that for you.

It's hard to hold on while letting go. As my parents’ vitality fades, I long to hold on to their comfort, their wisdom, their stories. As cane becomes walker becomes wheelchair, my desire to keep them forever fights with march-of-time reality—I will have to let them go. So my internal tug of war continues in a prolonged grief process. It’s a long goodbye.

A long goodbye is a gift. Every good and perfect gift is from above … (James 1:17). Coming alongside my parents in their final years, though difficult, is an amazing gift. Each new day I’m given with Mom and Dad, I can actually say goodbye, I love you, I treasure you—and your legacy.

The elder care journey is one of strong emotions. I hope this blog of my reflections resonates with your heart as you come alongside your aging mom and/or dad. I invite you to leave comments containing your own experiences and emotions. May God bless you on your journey.