Although we siblings did not move our parents into our homes, we considered doing so, and I know a number of people who did. Teri Dreher, board-certified patient advocate, suggests asking three questions before doing this:
What kind of care does your parent need?
What are the financial implications?
What are the emotional implications?
To read her whole article in the Monday, October 5, 2020, Daily Herald, click here.
I found Dreher's simple steps wise. Also interesting to me was her explanation of the financial and emotional costs. In my case, the emotions of profound sadness, helplessness (to stop my parents' decline), and depression so drained my energy levels that I stopped working years before I probably would have otherwise. I earned significantly less than my siblings who kept working.
According to Dreher, people who take a parent into their home may earn less and also annually spend more than $7,400 out-of-pocket caring for their loved one.
Teri Dreher is a board-certified patient advocate. A critical care nurse for more than 30 years, she founded the nonprofit Seniors Alone Guardianship & Advocacy Services, And please check out the services offered by Seniors Alone.